About Us
The Kentuckiana Beekeepers Association supports beekeepers and honeybees!
The KBA's mission is to: * further the advancement of apiculture * promote legislation to protect and assist beekeeping as an industry and/or hobby * inform members about honeybees and beekeeping * provide a forum for training in the art of beekeeping, the production of honey and other hive products * inform the public about the importance and contribution of honeybees, to the welfare of all people * encourage others to become members of the KBA. Become a member to subscribe to this mission and support the KBA!
About the KBA
Our Mission
The Kentuckiana Beekeepers Association (KBA) is a public, volunteer-led association dedicated to beekeeping in Louisville, Kentucky and Southern Indiana since 1976. Our mission is to teach and support honey bees in our community mainly thru backyard hobbyist beekeeping. We host monthly education events at the Louisville Nature Center (3745 Illinois Ave, Louisville, KY 40213) and field days during the warm season where we explore bee hives at our members’ apiaries. We also assist the public with swarm removals, speaking events and honey bee equipment for members. Anyone interested in beekeeping is welcome to become a member and join us at our next event. We can't wait to see you!
Our objectives are to:
Further the advancement of apiculture
Promote legislation to protect and assist beekeeping as an industry and hobby
Inform members about honeybees and beekeeping
Provide a forum for training in the art of beekeeping, the production of honey and other hive products
Inform the public about the importance and contribution of honeybees, to the welfare of all people
Encourage others to become members of the KBA
KBA Leadership
President - Eric Burns
Eric grew up in Ohio and earned his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from The Ohio State University. For the last 15 years, Eric has called Louisville home and began his beekeeping journey in 2012 with the help of the KBA. He manages 50 hives of his own and takes care of an additional 30 hives for clients throughout Jefferson and Oldham County. In 2016, he started selling honey at the KSBA booth during the Kentucky State Fair. By 2018, he achieved success as the overall winner of the Bees & Honey Sweepstakes at the fair, earning 12 first-place and 6 second-place ribbons. His beekeeping hobby yields around 1,500 pounds of honey each year, most of which he sells in front of his home near Lakeside Pool and at the Kentucky State Fair. In 2024, Eric was awarded KBA Volunteer of the Year and elected KBA President.
Eric's main objective as the KBA President is to encourage honey bee education and increase community involvement. He aims to inspire more people to become beekeepers. If you have any questions or want to connect, feel free to reach out to Eric anytime through the KBA's club email KBA@Kyanabees.com. He’s eager to assist and contribute to the growth of the beekeeping community.