

Free Education Materials

Classic Books

50 Years Among the Bees - C.C. Miller - 1911

A Thousand Answers to Beekeeping Questions - C.C. Miller - 1917

A Year Among the Bees - C.C. Miller - 1890

A Year's Work in An Out-Apiary - G.M. Doolittle - 1908

American Honey Plants - Frank C. Pellet - 1920

Beekeeping for All - Abbe Warre - 1948

Better Queens - Jay Smith - 1949

Dadant System of Beekeeping - C.P. Dadant - 1920

Facts About Bees - E.R. Root - 1907

Facts About Honey - C.P. Dadant - 1916

First Lessons in Beekeeping - C.P. Dadant - 1919

Honey Farming - R.O.B. Manley

Honey Labels - A.I. Root - 1920

How to Grow Queens - Walter T. Kelley - 1900

Improved Queen Rearing - Henry Alley - 1903

Langstroth on the Hive & Honey Bee - L.L. Langstroth - 1853

New Observations Upon Bees - Francis Huber - 1814 (Translated by C.P. Dadant 1926)
Outaparies & their management - M.G. Dadant - 1919

Practical Queen Rearing - Frank C Pellett - 1918

Queen Rearing - Q.C. Matthews - 1920

Queen Rearing Simplified - Jay Smith - 1923

Quinby's New Beekeeping - Moses Quinby - 1879

Rearing of Queen Bees - E.F. Phillips - 1905

Scientific Queen Rearing - G.M. Doolittle - 1889

The ABC & XYZ of Bee Culture - A.I & E.R. Root - 1910

The Anatomy of the Honey Bee - R.E. Snodgrass - 1910

Youtube Channels

University of Guelph Honey Bee Research Centre

University of Florida Bee Lab

Arkansas Division of Agriculture - 26 Video Beekeeping Course

National Honey Show

Bob Binnie

Frederick Dunn

Duck River Honey - Nathan Coleman

Canadian Beekeeper’s Blog - Ian Steppler

Jeff Horchoff Bees

Kamon Reynolds - Tenenessee’s Bees

Beekeeping with Natalee

628DirtRooster Bees

Yappy Beeman

David Burns

Black Mountain Honey

Founders of Modern Beekeeping